Tiger Muay Thai takes these measures seriously for the safety of all customers, visitors, fighters and staff.
The health of people training here at Tiger Muay Thai is our top priority, and therefore we are taking a multi pronged approach to protect our customers from the Covid-19 pandemic:
1. Our front desk representatives are assigned to check body temperatures using handheld thermometers of all guests upon arrival/registration daily.
2. Whole gym dry fog diffusion spray sanitisation by a specialist company.
3. We have provided over 10 points of alcohol gel for use by customers and staff, especially in frequent-used points such as the reception, all training areas, & restaurant area.
4. We have increased the frequency of cleaning of all areas of the gym, with special attention to contact points such as office counters, door handles, and fitness areas/equipment.
5. Further measures will be announced as we receive any updates. You can search for a list of countries at risk and for additional prevention methods on the website of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health and WHO at https://ddc.moph.go.th, https://www.cdc.gov, https://www.who.int
Together we will overcome this virus!